I am now sitting on the flight, 10 000 meters in the air. The flight actually has wifi, but I used up the free charge of 10mb in 3 minutes. Woops!

Anyways, if you’re interested in travelling cheap with good service, Qatar Airways is great. I’m very pleased with the flight so far, as I’m getting free drinks/beverages (in case you’re my mom, I’ve been drinking vodka non-stop since I got on the flight; you gotta get some sleep up here) and pretty decent flight food.

And alright, It’s pretty boring sitting down in a plane for such an extended period of time, especially when you have kids screaming like they’ve just seen their death. Glad that’s over. And sure, it would have been nice if I travelled first class. Actually, that would have been awesome. But for 3500 kr, to go around half the world; it’s a great deal!

Update: Now I’m on land again, and I gotta say, Doha Airport looks pretty fresh! Everything is really clean, expensive and shiny. Almost like home, in other words!