First day of school and food poisoning Today the first day of school started, and it began with breakfast at canteen 2, where they supposedly has the best breakfast with waffles among other things. Turns out they didn’t, and I just got the typical 2 sandwiches with coffee and 2 half-boiled eggs. Ugh… They put waaay too much sugar in there, together with milk. And I always take my coffee black.

After this, we went to an introduction at the central part of NTU, where the swedish principal held his last introductory speech ever. This then led to the student fair, where all student organizations try to reel people into their community. I got waaay enthusiastic and signed my interest for 10-15 organizations. Among others were water kayak polo, scuba diving, runner’s club, the wine club and golf tryouts.

I must have walked around there for about 1-2 hours, before I started to feel something in my gut… I had to immediately get back home, because I could feel the food poisoning having a party in my stomach. So now I’m disabled for probably the rest of the day… And I had agreed upon going to the pool with a couple of friends after the student fair…

Luckily, I bought some pills for this before I left Sweden, so I hope I’ll be alright within not too many hours. Also, I still have alot of work to do with course signups, as I have to pick courses with a good schedule, as well as a good fit for my education. Prerequisites are kind of hard to match for the courses, I’ve noticed, so there’s alot of work awaiting.

Regarding the food poisoning, I think it’s from the Hawker center yesterday, where I got a Chinese soup/stew that looked delicious but tasted badly. I was super hungry after having hiked between 18-21/22 sometime, and so I ate most of the stew. Can’t be afraid of trying out new things, right? Cause this is Singapore. Well, turns out those bastards probably didn’t care about sanitation, and so here I am now, hoping everything will be over soon. I’ll be more careful about the food here in Singapore from now on!

Lots of it tastes pretty bad, because it is extremely cheap, and there isn’t quite a lot of options of fresh, healthy food. It mostly consists of stews and greasy food with rice. You’ll have to look carefully if you want to find a good food court/Hawker center, because most of the ones I’ve tried are pretty bad. Especially here on campus. Maybe the central building of NTU has some good food, but that’s probably it… well, I guess it is to be expected when every meal costs S$2-5 (15-30 kr). Just hope it doesn’t give me too many days of food poisoning…

Now I’ve just finished my first day of the add and drop period. It started out confusing and stressful, but in the end, I managed to register 5 course requests to the system. So now I’ll just have to wait for the outcome of my application. The application system is open between 10am-10pm every day, so I’ll probably get the results before tomorrow. The courses I chose were all sports courses, in order to maximize my chances of getting a sports course. The good thing about these is that they are only once per week and there is no examination, so I can probably get a very good schedule with a workweek spanning between mon-wed! Let’s keep our thumbs!

Now it’s time for dinner followed by swimming in the campus sports center pool with some friends!