So yesterday we had this University event called NTU fest. It was basically an event hosted by the school in the sports center. They had put up a big stage on one of the ends of the football field, where they had some really good live bands playing - ranging from jazzrock to classical guitar music. On the other end of the football field there was a fair, or whatever you call it, where people could buy food, clothes, participate in competitions, etc. In some of the indoor locals you could play laser tag and archery, among other things. One of my friends actually won a free game of laser tag. Not that it was expensive - it only cost S$3 - but still.

Oh, and later on, there was a walkathon, which basically meant walking around campus with water guns and shooting at random Asian people (as my and my friend Diego lost the rest of the group). It cost S$5 to participate in this, and they hyped it waay too much for what it actually is. We had a 20 minute warmup session with people on stage performing a dance that the participants were to imitate as well as possible. They also had live cameras and a huge screen on stage, where you could see some of the participants. Also, they took alot of photos throughout the entire event.

Meanwhile, I tried to waste as little energy as possible, as I had caught a cold. I felt really tired throughout the entire day, and probably looked quite pale to the others. After having walked the walkathlon, I quickly ate some food in order to spend some of the money I had used for buying a food ticket, then I immediately headed back home, where I developed a fever and headache, and drank water like a maniac. I don’t know what it is, but I suspect it is an insect bite, as I saw something - similar to a small tube-shaped piece of skin - sticking out under my left arm when I took a shower. Not knowing what it was, I let it be, and after having eaten breakfast, it was gone with a small red dot marking the area I had seen it. Maybe it was a worm of some sort, or maybe something else.

Anyways, I messaged a friend to help me get to a medic center later on during the evening, as mucus in my throat had started to make it a bit harder to breathe, and I didn’t want it to get worse over night. Turns out only hospitals were open, and I didn’t feel like it was that big of an emergency, so we went to 7eleven to buy a thermometer, after having asked multiple people for one in vain. Luckily it was only a 15-minute walk, and it turned out I only had 38.0 body temperature. High enough to be a fever; low enough to not be urgent. As it turned out, my friend Vassilis’ mom was a nurse, and she had sent him a lot of different kinds of medicine for this exchange. I got some fever-reducing pill and went to bed.

First thing in the morning though, I took my temperature, and it had risen to 38.8 - enough to go to the hospital and get medical help from professionals. I should perhaps be worried, but knowing that Singapore has the best health care in the world, I feel quite safe. It is probably some bacterial infection, so some penicillin should do the trick to get me healthy again.

I will, anyways, go to the hospital later today with Vassilis, and contact my family about it, so they don’t hear the first word of it from the hospital if that were to happen. That would probably freak them out and get them too worried for what it is. Maan, all I want is to get better, so that I can get my energy back and keep on hanging out with everyone here. Damnit, tropical diseases, why art thou a bitch?