Alright, so yesterday got kind of weird. My fever started Saturday afternoon and it steadily increased, despite me taking quite alot of paracetamol, which is a fever reducing medicine. I went with a uber car to Toyu medic center, which had gotten a good reputation online, and was one of few medic centers open on Sundays. Coming there, I first felt tricked, as this was all I could see (and nothing was inside):

Toyu medic center

Turns out this was the backside of the medic center, and it was actually a quite good one, although quite small. Anyways, over there I was handed Augmentin (penicillin), more paracetamol and some other medicines that I don’t know of (one of which was to reduce stomach aches that can be caused by the penicillin). The price for this visit + medicines was, if I remember correctly, S$69.

I went back to my hall with a grab car, as they turn out to be cheaper (uber cars add costs depending on how popular your travel time is; costs which you don’t see at first glance when booking). I quite quickly grabbed some food from the food court below me, and then went up to take my first batch of medicines. At the food court, I felt like a zombie and all I wanted was to go up and have a good rest.

First batch  of medicines

I felt quite okay after this, so I went to sleep. Of course, this led to my mom calling all relatives as I didn’t pick up my phone until two hours after she called.

Anyways, I kept track of my temperature throughout the day, and I always felt huge fatigue. I had to get a friend, Lukas, to grab some food from the food court downstairs and get it up to my room. Sadly though, I took my temperature again when he was ordering food, and it showed 39.8 degrees. Almost 40 degrees in only a little more than a day. Following this trajectory, my fever could become very harmful over night. I had a quick conversation with my mom, who by the way is a doctor:

And so I did. I called a Non-emergency ambulance, and it cost me S$150, and it took them more than 50 minutes to arrive after I ordered it. Meanwhile, Lukas was looking after me in my room, making sure nothing more serious happened.

Lukas helping

We went outside, and eventually the ambulance arrived. I was resting on a bench, and later on I got to hop on to an ambulance chair/bed, and got rolled down to the ambulance.


My mom called and tried to speak to one of the ambulance personnel, and not understanding anything of what they said, she only managed to convey the fact that she was worried. When I arrived at the hospital, I tried to pay the ambulance bill with my swedish mastercard, but failed to do so, as they only accepted their local cards. Not having enough cash, they cut the bill to S$80, and I didn’t have to pay the rest. Wanting to do right by my side, though, I will look for ways to pay the rest of the bill today.

Anyways, they checked my temperature multiple times, and it seemed as though it had gone down to 39.0 degrees by the time I got to the hospital. I don’t know if it was my thermometer that was wrong or that my warm room had increased my body temperature, but appparently I didn’t have as high of a fever as I previously thought. That made the whole ambulance thing feel silly and exaggerated. I should have gone to the hospital by a grab instead, but it’s too late to make the right decisions now…

Anyways, I got to the hospital and they took an x-ray over my chest, as well as a blood test. After a couple of hours, I found out that it was most likely a viral infection, and that I should have recovered from it in 5 days. Nothing to worry about. Again, the ambulance thing was a bit silly. I almost wished that I had something worse there for a while, as I wanted to show the doctor that I wasn’t exaggerating. Also, the grab car back to my hall only cost S$19, so I would have saved ALOT by taking that option. Hopefully, my insurance might cover the costs of the ambulance as well. I don’t know.

Anyways, I’m happy now that it wasn’t more serious, and I feel as though vitality is making its way back to me. The last time I took my temperature, it had gone down to 38.0 degrees. Hopefully, I will be healthy again by the end of the week! Oh, and if you don’t know what a visit to a medical center + hospital center in one day looks like, take a look at my table filled with drugs below. They sure seem to like handing out medicine here.

drug table