Turns out, the weeks get pretty hectic when you travel every weekend. I wanted to write about Angkor Wat before I left, but unfortunately I have had other things to do. Planning trips almost takes more time than studying, and above that, I have to fix a position for my Master’s Thesis next spring, and preferrably an internship for the summer at a nice company. As it turns out, the big american companies’ applications are open now for a month forward, and I actually want to try my luck in finding a job here! Therefore, I have taken this entire day and most of yesterday evening to create a latex template for my CV and Cover Letter documents (for those who do not know, latex is a programming language in which one can design documents). I finished with this three hours ago, and now they are handed in for review by my brother, the social strategic expert bankerman with fine skills in job applications. If you read this Marcus, I hope that it is awesome in the ‘new’ appartment with Maria! And I am not only telling you that because I want to enjoy free accomodation and food in the future. I am 30% serious!
Anyways, in the writing moment, I only have 27 minutes until I have to be at Cantine 2, which is a 10 minute walk away. Therefore, I am writing in a higher pace than Usain Bolt running in a plane.
What I want to convey is the fact that there has been very little time going in to planning this trip. Theresa, the austrian girl with nice tips on fruits in Asia suggested the trip three weeks ago, and since I had gotten a tip from Nils Hjelm, the world exploring Swedish soon-to-be doctor, to go here, I immediately decided to join. Theresa fixed the hostel, and we both bought plane tickets. Markus Fa, the second of Austria, hopped on the train a little bit later (last week, if I am not mistaken), and thus we are three going. We arrive early in the morning tomorrow (Friday), and we leave in the evening of Sunday, which means that we will have almost three days to explore the beautiful mixture of past britain and China that is Hong Kong.
What is even more mind boggling, is the fact that we only sat down today afternoon to plan the trip, and it took about 1-2 hours to get everything down. Theresa and Markus had met some people who had tips on what to do and what to visit and see. Luckily, Theresa had even written down a list on these things, which made it easy to go on google maps and save the places we want to visit. We will see how it goes when I get back!
Anyways, I should definitely wrap this up now, as I am a bit uncertain of whether or not I have forgotten to pack anything, and as I also really need to go soon if I want to make it to Canteen 2 in time. It is now only 18 minutes left until I have to be there. I will take pictures until next time. Hopefully, I will not be travelling next weekend (even though I might join a diving trip to Tioman, Malaysia, but we will see…), so I will have more time to take care of you - my audience. My 1 people army.
Yes… in other words, me.