Okay, I have now taken a bit of a break from writing, as I am swamped with school work here at NTU. Tomorrow I will head off to Bangkok with Sara, Lukas and Erik, and I will of course write about this trip more when I get back and have more time. For now, though, I have an album I want to share with anyone reading this blog. I have understood that some of you already have christmas longings (.. Kristina the cousin, 5 days younger than me, I am looking at you). Anyways, the album below gives me alot of christmas vibes, and it also takes me back to the spa weekend my family always does this week of the year. It is the type of jazz you listen to whilst sitting inside your house, safe from the cold, dark, wet/snowy weather whilst covered in a blanket and eating delicious food, getting massage, and enjoying the company of family and relatives. Merry christmas! Ehum… I mean, have a great spa weekend Mom, Dad, Marcus and Maria. Have a great weekend, the other Forslöw family as well.
Greetings from Singapore!