So, apparently I have gotten complaints for not:
- Not updating my blog often enough.
- Not putting enough tea pictures up on the blog.
(Hrm, hrm… Matte…)
Anyways, to please you (Matte), I will now do both (setting aside precious time that should be spent on being productive with meh studier, as vi lajk to kal itt in Sviidish).
So for the second point, here you go:
Yes, I know that the tea is not in focus on the last one, but if you look closely enough, you will find it!
As for point 1, I will now talk about what has been going on in my life the last couple of weeks. For this part, I will just pick random stuff that pops into my head, so let us start with the first one:
- I went to Cé La Vie (a really nice skybar/skyclub in te center of Singapore) this Wednesday. I went together with Sara (aka Coconut Lady/Water bottle lady/the spook/that other dude), Eric (aka Chicken Nugget/Sivvin Illivin/Chinese Australian that is actually a New Zealander), Lukas (aka Tomb Raider/The Skywalker/That drone army guy), Susanna (aka Finnish/Swedish pro car driver) and Sanne (aka the Netherlands girl that we met on our way home from Melaka). I thought that this was only a bar in the sky, but it turned out to be a club with some of the loudest music I have ever heard at a club. Nevertheless, I highly recommend you to go here if you ever stop by in Singapore, as you will get a marvellous view (as the one shown below). Oh, and also, this place is right by one of Singapore’s most famous Hotels - famous because they have an infinity pool that can be seen from the bar.
The Tuk-Tuk Troup (TTTT, aka me, Eric, Lukas and Sara) went to see “Ah Boys To Men 4”, which is a locally made movie in Singlish. Apparently, Eric had won some movie tickets together with some team he had participated in a competition with, so naturally he gave us the movie tickets instead of his teammates (yay us)! Of course, we were only able to see some of the lowest rated movies, so we chose this one, which was about the mandatory military service that Singaporeans apparently have to do every year. Trust me when I say this: this was one of the most Orwellian movies I have ever seen, as it tried to promote Singapore, its military might and future military technologies - all the while keeping it as comedic as possible (to reel people in) and as Singapore-culture friendly as possible. It is probably quite a bit of self sarcasm put in there, but as I am not Singaporean, it is hard to tell the serious apart from comedy.
Me, Lukas and Eric (Sara was in Thailand with one of her friends) went on a gourmet day a week ago. We first started out around 10.00 at Amoy food centre to eat brunch. We wanted to try some of their Michelin-rated restaurants, but apparently got there a bit too early, as they opened at 11. So instead, we went for a cup of coffee, and then came back. We tried some rice dumplings and a noodle soup that was made by one of the Michelin-rated restaurants (Hong Kee Beef Noodle that you see below), but the one that really stood out to us was the ramen from “a noodle story” that you see below. This was one of the most creatively made dishes I have ever seen, and if you ever want to try out food from a food court here in Singapore, I highly recommend you to go here. Be careful, however, as they only serve 200 portions per day, and the line fills up pretty quickly.
Later that day, I tried out some oxygenated water (the most expensive water I have ever had, that still tasted just like water), and then we went for a cup of coffee + study session at a nearby café. It was an exhausting study session, but there was a big light at the end of the tunnel, as we went to the “Man Man” japanese restaurant. The restaurant had a 70 minute line in front of us when we got there, but it was definitely worth it. We ordered eel and beer for S$49 (ca 31 EUR), which was very expensive, but also very worth it! We had a sense of euphoria afterwards.
And the best thing is that we did not end the night there. We walked to the MRT station to have some llaollao frozen yoghurt (which is a Spanish frozen yoghurt chain that sells some delicious stuff, try it!) After that, we were very full, and Lukas and Eric decided that now was a great time to look at food instead of eating it.
- A long time ago, I decided to take a run in the city to explore more of it (something I can also recommend). The path I took was called Southern Ridges according to this blog post. It turned out I had hiked part of this path before, but when I got to the second half, I was kind of amazed at how nice this part of the island was. The track was really nice with nice architectures for the bridges, and towards the end I also ended up on the top of a mountain that has cable cars going to Sentosa. I highly recommend doing this if you find yourself in Singapore over more than just a weekend.
- The day before I decided to do my running trip, I went with Lukas to the Gardens By The Bay night show. This is basically a light show, where trees light up in synch with some nice songs.
- I got some an analogue picture from Lukas, and got to see some if his craft that he made when we were in Bangkok. Needless to say, I am a proud mom!
- I celebrated my birthday 11/11 by going to Loof rooftop bar (quite nice setting if you are out for something a little bit more relaxing) followed by Cash Studio Karaoke. We took a grab (sort of a uber service for Asia), which resulted in us getting a bus drive both there and back (we laughed quite hard about this).
Oh, hi there Diego!
Turns out noone was good at singing here (except for Sara that apparently does choir), so we decided that what happens at karaoke, stays at karaoke. Especially since everybody had sort of sobered up, which took away part of the spirit of karaoke. Anyways, we had a fun night!